There is no place like Y Summer Day Camp – To belong, achieve and build relationships. A home away from home where kids laugh, learn, explore and grow in the outdoors, while creating memories and friendships that last a lifetime. Kids discover not just the wonders of day camp, but the joy of exploring their unique traits, talents and interests and the power of sharing their strengths and skills to benefit the group.

  • Well-trained and vetted staff who serve as positive role models
  • Environment centered around team building, physical activity, and a weekly theme
  • Activities in arts & crafts, outdoor education, & STEM
  • Exposure to new, fun and enriching experiences
  • An atmosphere that fosters achievement, relationships, and belonging
  • Skill classes designed to prevent summer learning loss
  • Various trips throughout the summer


camp program guide 2025

handbook 2025

Summer Youth Café (previously summer food program)

Summer Only Preschool ages 3-5 not yet in Kindergarten

Summer Only Preschool ages 3-5 not yet in Kindergarten

Swimming and field trips challenging children to learn, grow and have fun.
School Age Day Camp (1st-6th)

School Age Day Camp (1st-6th)

Weekly field trips, swimming, fitness activities and STEAM learning.
Leaders & Counselors In Training (7th-10th)

Leaders & Counselors In Training (7th-10th)

The camp environment provides a unique opportunity for youth to build leadership skills.
Help Send A Kid To Camp

Help Send A Kid To Camp

Your support will help provide children the opportunity to attend summer day camp.