I hope this letter finds you all well. If you are like me, you are running out of ideas to keep your child engaged while staying in. I thought I would share some ideas that can re-fresh some things that you have in the house already.
I had shared a playdough recipe with you in the first letter I sent (don’t worry, I am attaching it to this one as well!), and I thought I would send some fresh ideas for playing with that. Kids always love playdough, even the big ones! When playing with the playdough add some beads, small toys, straws, toothpicks, etc. to the area. Your child can use these things to decorate their creations. There are several bug themed mats attached to this letter. Each mat can be printed and put in a sleeve protector or, if you have a laminator at home, laminated. The playdough mats are fun because the child can create his/her own “new” bug or create one that they have seen before. It is a great way to build vocabulary and talk about different experiences that you have had with bugs. You can also go on a bug hunt when you are out for a walk or in the yard (with proper social distancing please!).
Another fun way to play with the bug theme and get some much-needed energy out is to play “Bug Crawl”. When the name of a bug is called the child tries to “walk” like that bug. Don’t make yourself crazy with being sure whatever you call out is actually an insect…it’s ok to use spider and worm. Get creative with your kids and play along! butterfly, legs, play, snail, web
Looking forward to next week, save your egg cartons! I have a really neat art project I am going to share with you.
Be on the look out for some announcements about interactive sessions with me over the next few weeks! I am very excited about what we are going to do!
In the meantime, be safe, stay at home, remain calm, and try to enjoy this time with your child. You will never get it back again.