Make a Donation

Please consider making a donation to the Miracle League of Indiana County. Your donation helps us in building fields and makes it possible for children facing special challenges to do what they never dreamt was possible.
Your donation is tax deductible.

To make your donation, press the “Donate Now” button below. You’ll then be able to enter your desired donation amount and will be asked to enter your payment information.



Purchase A Brick

You can help the Miracle League efforts by purchasing a brick which will become part the entryway to the field. Bricks can be imprinted to memorialize a family member, caregiver, coach or friend. Or you can commemorate your company’s name and logo. They will be a lasting gift, offering recognition for years to come, and serve notice to all who visit that the citizens of our communities really made a difference.

Brick brochure (PDF)

Please complete the brick brochure and send it to:

60 N. Ben Franklin Rd
Attn: Kelsey Krynock
Indiana, PA 15701

Logo Brick

Message Brick


Ordering Instruction

Orders will be accepted as long as space is available

If you wish to purchase more than one brick and have your bricks placed next to one another, please submit the orders together. Every effort will be made to accommodate your request. To purchase more than one brick, please fill out a separate application for each brick.

Your brick message must fit within the space provided. Sorry, no addresses or phone numbers.

Messages will be centered automatically.