In-Kind Gifts

We accept in-kind gifts which are donations of valuable products and/or services other than cash. Examples of these charitable contributions could include real estate, vehicles, etc. Receipts will be prepared by the Y and issued to the donor of in-kind gifts.

Matching Gifts

An employer match is a great way to increase the impact of your gift. Please check with your Human Resources department to see if your employer matches your donation.

Gifts in Honor

A gift in honor is a great way to recognize a special occasion or send a holiday wish by letting that special someone know you are thinking of them. Share in their happiness by making a contribution in their name. When you make a gift we will send an acknowledgement of your gift to the recipient. The acknowledgment identifies you but does not include your gift amount.

Gifts in Memory

A gift in memory of a loved one or friend is an emotional and thoughtful tribute to them and their accomplishments in life. For all memorial gifts, we will send an acknowledgement of your gift to the family of the person that you are making a tribute to. The acknowledgment identifies you but does not include your gift amount.


Contact Information

For more additional information or a complimentary, confidential illustration on how you might make a gift of a lifetime, or if you would like to make gift donation please Contact Kelsey Krynock, Director of Development and Communications at (724)-463-9622 or at Kelsey Krynock.

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