Dear Parents,
I know I am a bit late on this, however Earth Day was last week. There are some really cool activities in the following link that take our environment and make it better! Check it out!
I know how hard this is on all of us and how ready everyone is to get back to “normal”, however I really want to encourage you to stay the course. We are all in very unique and challenging circumstances and no one should be comparing their own situation to someone else’s. However, what we can do is support one another in whatever circumstance we are in. Help your neighbor (with appropriate social distancing!), build the bird feeder in this week’s activity and feed a bird, plant flowers and share them with people in your neighborhood. Do something, anything for someone else. It WILL make you feel better.
Remember that Indiana School District is providing lunch for all students every weekday. TAKE YOUR CHILD and GO GET ONE! If nothing else, it gets you out of the house in a safe way. If you are lucky enough to not need it, share it with a neighbor. GO! The district is planning to serve these lunches and they are getting additional funds to do so, so you are NOT taking anything away from anyone. It also helps your food budget. Please do not hesitate to take advantage of this service. We are all hurting. Do not let a sense of pride keep you from getting a lunch.
If you can help: according to
A need you can help with is food for the Salvation Army pantry. They need pasta/spaghetti, pasta sauce, mac n cheese, soups and instant potatoes. If you can donate, contact the office first to let them know you will be dropping off at their location of 635 Water Street, Indiana, PA. Call 724-465-2530 to set up a time to donate items!
If you need help: Check out this web site. I do not know which of these sites is still open, so call first!
Please stay the course! Be safe! Stay home if you can!